I study some codes of a tutorial about tkinter 
(https://github.com/daleathan/widget-tour-py3) and can't figure out how it 

Below is the codes from its two major files:
# file infrastructure.py
class callit:
    def __init__(self, function, *args ):
        self.f = function

        self.args = args

    def __call__(self, *ignored):


# file widget.py
from infrastructure import *
class DemoMainWindow(Frame):
    def _fill_textarea(self):
        # bind events
        self.text.tag_bind(tag, '<Any-Enter>',

             callit(self.demoenter_callback, tag) )

    def demoenter_callback(self, tag):

My question is that the object which was left by 
callit(self.demoenter_callback, tag) is a callit instance, and the method it 
calls is a DemoMainWindow's method.
How it is possible?

Best Regards,
Jach Fong

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