Since this erm… discussion has also brought in Haskell
and in this case, the name, the history etc are related I thought I'd mention 
the following

Around 2015 there was a major upheaval in the Haskell community around the
socalled FTP (foldable-traversable-prelude) controversy.

In many respects this controversy is analogous and even identical to this one
and the heat there was considerably more than this thread's storm-in-a-teaspoon

Mark Lentczner resigned as Haskell's release manager¹
which in the python world would be analogous to say Raymond Hettinger saying
“Python 3 is too much of a mess; I am going to stick to python 2.2”
Along with hims went other stalwarts like Lennart Augustsson and Eric Meijer's
widely acclaimed EdX course switched from haskell to hugs²
[which is like switching to python 1.6]

The controversy somewhat oversimplified is that foldr (reduce-from-right) was
foldr : (a → b → b) → b → [a] → b
It was changed to
foldr : Foldable 𝒯  ⇒  (a → b → b) → b → 𝒯 a → b

If we think of [a] as list_of_a and 𝒯 a as any general list-like interface
we would see the close parallel with the divergence of opinion on this thread


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