On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 5:53 AM, Steve D'Aprano
<steve+pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> The problem is that after the message is printed, the REPL's prompt is
> disrupted. This is especially annoying when I'm in the middle of typing a 
> line.
> This is just a cosmetic flaw, but it would be nice if I could tell Python to
> redraw the current line.

This would be difficult on Windows. When the REPL reads from the
console, the main thread blocks on a system call, which varies
depending on the versions of Python and Windows. This is a remote
procedure call to the console host process (e.g. conhost.exe in
Windows 7+), which handles the cooked read while Python waits for the

To get the level of control you're asking for, we'd have to implement
readline for the Windows console using low-level console functions
such as ReadConsoleInput. pyreadline currently implements this via
ctypes, but CPython would need a C extension.

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