praba kar wrote:
> Dear All,
>    I want to know the link between c and python.
>    Some people with C background use Python instead   
> of  programming in C.why?

For me, the choice is typically among C++, Perl, Python, and Java.  The 
arguments for Python relative to these languages are:

        1. Python's standard library includes a lot of functionality not in the 
C++ standard library.

        2. Python's syntax is the cleanest of these languages.

        3. I don't have to compile Python, so I can test changes much more 
quickly that with C++ or Java.

        4. System calls made from Python are more likely to be portable among 
the platforms I use most (WindowsXP, AIX, Linux, and MacOSX) than system 
calls from C++.

        5. Scripting is easier in Python than in Java, particularly with regard 
to environment variables and process control.

Of course, these are only my opinions.  I am particularly not an expert 
on Python or Java.

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