(1) Trying to convert concatenated string to .format method
(2) concatenated string >>
[#todo rewrite this line to use the format method rather than string 
alert = "Today's forecast for " + city + ": The temperature will range from " + 
str(low_temperature) + " to " + str(high_temperature) + " " + temperature_unit 
+ ". Conditions will be " + weather_conditions + "."]

(3) My code:
city = "Seoul"
high_temperature = 18
low_temperature = 9
temperature_unit = "degrees Celsius"
weather_conditions = "light rain"
alert = "Today's forecast for {city}: The temperature will range 
from{low_temperature} "" to ""{high_temperature}{temperature_unit}Conditions 
will be 

(4) output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\python exercises\uda format1.py", line 6, in <module>
    alert = "Today's forecast for {city}: The temperature will range 
from{low_temperature} "" to ""{high_temperature}{temperature_unit}Conditions 
will be 
KeyError: 'city'

 (5) Tried Google but not much help.

So would appreciate any help.

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