On 11 September 2017 at 14:52, Christopher Reimer
<christopher_rei...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2017, at 3:58 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm doing some training for a colleague on Python, and I want to look
>> at a bit of object orientation. For that, I'm thinking of a small
>> project to write a series of classes simulating objects moving round
>> on a chess-style board of squares.
> I started something similar to this and didn't get far. I wrote a base class 
> called Piece that had common attributes (I.e., color and position) and 
> abstract methods (i.e., move). From the base class I derived all the piece 
> types. That's the easy part.
> The board is a bit tricky, depending on how you set it up. The board of 64 
> squares could be a list, a dictionary or a class. I went with a Board class 
> that used a coordinate system (i.e., bottom row first square was (0, 0) and 
> top row last square (7, 7)) and kept track of everything on the board.

Thanks for the information. That's more or less the sort of thing I
was thinking of. In fact, from a bit more browsing, I found another
way of approaching the problem - rather than using pygame, it turns
out to be pretty easy to do this in tkinter.

The following code is basically the core of what I need:

import tkinter as tk

def create_board(root):
    board = {}
    for r in range(8):
        for c in range(8):
            lbl = tk.Button(bg="white", text="   ", font=("Consolas", 12))
            lbl.grid(row=r, column=c)
            board[r,c] = lbl
    return board

root = tk.Tk()
board = create_board(root)

That creates an 8x8 grid of white buttons. With this, I can make a
button red simply by doing

board[3,2]["bg"] = "red"

That's really all I need. With that I can place objects on the grid by
asking them for their colour and x/y co-ordinates. Add a bit of driver
logic, and I have a display system. We can then spend the time working
on how we add business logic to the classes (movement, collision
detection, etc...)

I really need to spend some time looking into tkinter. I very rarely
think of it when developing code, and yet whenever I do it's amazingly
easy to put together a solution quickly and easily.


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