Speech to text conversion is not a pure Python solution. It must be
     on some kind of "external service". From the details you have provided,
     it looks like some web service.

   Yes, you are right. It's based on IBM Watson's web/cloud service.

     Your error occurs because what the "external service" has delivered
     it not what "speech-to-text" has expected. More precisely,
     "speech-to-text" has excepted as result a dict with a "results" key --
     but this is missing (likely because some input is wrong or there
     is a version mismatch between your "speech-to-text" and the "external

   Someone else also thought there is a version mismatch between the
   "speech-to-text" and the "external service". The external service has been
   update four times since the "speech-to-text" library was put together.

     I expect that the "data" mentioned in the traceback above contains
     some clues for what went wrong. I would use the Python debugger
     to investigate along these lines. As you are not yourself a Python
     programmer, find one in your region to support you.

   Could someone kindly advise how to use "the Python debugger"?


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