On 9/23/17, Stephan Houben <stephan...@gmail.com.invalid> wrote:
> Op 2017-09-22, Pavol Lisy schreef <pavol.l...@gmail.com>:
>> On 9/19/17, leam hall <leamh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm working on designing the classes, sub-classes, and relationships in
>>> my
>>> code. What is a good visual way to represent it so it can be stored in
>>> git
>>> and shared on the list without large images or attachments?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Leam
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29586520/can-one-get-hierarchical-graphs-from-networkx-with-python-3#29597209
> For direct inclusion in source code, what about plain text with
> Unicode box drawing characters?
> ┏━━━━━━┓
> ┃object┃
> ┗━━━┳━━┛
>     ┃
>  ┏━━┻━━┓
>  ┃float┃
>  ┗━━━━━┛

I am not big fan of UML. I don't really think it is helping. I think
that it often just enhance maintenance cost.

But if you really need or want it could be good to have some tool to
simplify work.

And you could probably look at -> http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml

To trying something like diagram above you could put there next text and submit:

object object
object float
object int
object -- float
object -- int

As I said I don't like UML so I don't propose this :)

But if you need "git-able" (text representation) of class diagrams
which could be used to generate quite nice images then maybe this tool
could be useful.

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