Bernie Connors wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 12:32:18 PM UTC-3, Bernie Connors wrote:
>> Hello,
>>       My first post here on C.L.P.  I have only written a few python
>>       scripts in 2.7 and now I'm trying my first python 3 script.  Can
>>       you tell me why this snippet won't run?
>> -----------------------
>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>> with
>> as conn:
>>     print(conn)
>> -----------------------
>> Thanks,
>> Bernie.
> Thomas,
>       The PID parameter at the end of my url must be enclosed in single
>       quotes, '75385120', or the API won't execute the query.  I have the

Then use " to quote the Python string:

>>> import urllib.request
>>> url = 
>>> with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as conn:
...     print(conn)
...     data =
<http.client.HTTPResponse object at 0x7fe844448390>
>>> data[:20]

Looks good. To convert the data into a Python dict:

>>> import json
>>> d = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
>>> d
{'features': [{'attributes': {'PID': '75385120'}, 'geometry': {'rings': 

PS: For other ways to write a Python string literal have a look into the 


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