On 09/27/2017 12:23 AM, Cai Gengyang wrote:
> I'm trying to understand the logic behind AND. I looked up Python logic tables
> False and False gives False
> False and True gives False
> True and False gives False
> True and True gives True.
> So does that mean that the way 'and' works in Python is that both terms must 
> be True (1) for the entire expression to be True ? Why is it defined that 
> way, weird ? I was always under the impression that 'and' means that when you 
> have both terms the same, ie either True and True or False and False , then 
> it gives True

There is nothing Python specific about this, by the way.
It is how AND - ∧ - has been defined in Boolean Algebra forever.  It's a
logical conjunction of its operands, it doesn't test for the 'equality'
of its operands.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction



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