Paul Moore wrote:
On 27 September 2017 at 17:41, leam hall <> wrote:
Hehe...I've been trying to figure out how to phrase a question. Knowing I'm
not the only one who gets frustrated really helps.

I'm trying to learn to be a programmer. I can look at a book and read basic
code in a few languages but it would be unfair to hire myself out as a
programmer. I'm just not yet worth what it costs to pay my bills.
You're already ahead of the game in wanting to be useful, rather than
just knowing the jargon :-) However, I've always found that the
biggest asset a programmer can have is the simple willingness to

I basically agree with what has been posted. I just wanted to mention a couple things that separates beginners and non-beginners. One is "how long it takes to identify and fix an error"--even a syntax error. And that is a skill which is acquired with some practice, maybe more "some" than anyone likes. Another critical skill is the ability to write good documentation--from program requirements, on down. Another is to know what is means to "test". Another is to have some familiarity with the UML. Skills in 3 of these 4 area might be assisted by reading about software engineering. So after you have those skills, then, perhaps, you can think about "interviewing"--of course a degree will help. As always, your mileage may vary... It IS True that you don't have to wait until you "know everything"--most of use will never get there.

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