Op 2017-10-01, Bill schreef <bill_nos...@whoknows.net>:
> I watched an example on YouTube where someone wrote a simple descriptor 
> ("@Time_it) to output the amount of time that it took ordinary functions 
> to complete.    To be honest, I AM interested in descriptors. 

Are you sure you are not confusing deSCRIPTtors and deCORAtors here?


is decorator syntax.

Despite the similarity in the words, there are totally different things.

Descriptors are objects with __get__, and optionally __set__ and
__delete__ methods (i.e. they implement the descriptor protocols).

Decorators aren't really an official type, but loosely speaking these
are any functions which can be applied meaningfully with a single
function or class as argument. Some very mundane functions can be
(ab)used as decorators.

In [1]: @repr
   ...: def hello():
   ...:     pass

In [2]: hello
Out[2]: '<function hello at 0x1048a50d0>'


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