Am 01.10.17 um 23:27 schrieb Daniel Bastos:
def make_sequence_non_recursive(N, x0 = 2, c = -1):
   "What's wrong with this function?  It's very slow."
   last = x0
   def sequence():
     nonlocal last
     next = last
     last = last**2 + c
     return next % N
   return sequence

It crawls pretty soon.  Please advise?  Thank you.

You seem to do modular arithmetics with modulus N. You can take the modulus after each single operation. This line:

        last = last**2 + c

will quadratically grow the internal state of the generator. Instead, you should write

        last = (last**2 + c) % N

If I have understood what it does, then the result should be the same. Furthermore, as Chris said, Python has built-in generators for this thing.


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