On 06/10/2017 02:07, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 6 Oct 2017 09:57 am, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

Waiting for input isn't "hangs". That's an ignorant and foolish thing to say,
more suited for a wet-behind-the-ears newbie than somebody who claims to be a
long-time old-school programmer.

That's what it looks like. Is it doing something, or waiting for me to do something, or did it just hang?

The Unix commandline interface is not designed to be user-friendly for newbies
(or experts, for that matter). It is terse, often *painfully* so (would it
have killed the author to have spelled `umount` correctly?), the UI is
inconsistent, and it has a very steep learning curve -- a lot of effort is
required to make a little bit of progress.

OK. I'm not out to change Unix (not right now). But this style of utility was suggested as a way to write interactive input loops in Python programs, which you might expect to be friendlier.

That it is, to assume from the outset that you're reading from a file, not a keyboard. And the user typing in data also has to pretend they are entering data in a file, complete with an EOF marker.

That is what I object to.

It is anyway not really acceptable these days for a long list of data to simply be typed in like that without any feedback at all. And 100% dependent on your typing Ctrl-D at the end and not Ctrl-C by mistake. This is not still the 1970s.

But in fairness, if the author of the `sort` command had a commitment to
friendliness in their programs, they could have `sort` only print a message
when it is reading from stdin and writing to stdout, much as `ls` defaults to
outputting control characters but automatically swaps to replacing them
with ? when writing to a terminal.

Surely this is a common problem that has long since been solved? You have a interactive program - even with proper prompts and feedback - and one day you want to run it as a script.

(And properly, by being given the same of an actual file rather than using crude redirection.)

But you don't want hundreds of dialogue lines scrolling up the screen while it's doing so.


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