alister <>:
> I cant see any reason why I would want to run a web browser remotely

I have had that need occasionally. More recently, I wanted to print a
PDF document using evince. It took forever for evince to respond over
the WAN. I had to resort to other means.

> I can see that even this would be too slow on some connections but it
> invariably works better that Remote desktop which seems to be the
> preferred approach in the windows world where they don't have much
> choice.

I can't comment on Windows. However, X11's remote access is hardly

The problem is it's too low-level ("mechanism, not a policy"). What we'd
need is this setup:

   | client  |
   | toolkit |
   |   RPC   |
        | TCP
   | toolkit |
   |  server |
        | Local
 |   Wayland   |
 |  compositor |

Unfortunately, what we wil be given is:

   | client  |
   | toolkit |
   |   lib   |
        | Local
 |   Wayland   |
 |  compositor |

Which will get rid of the network transparency altogether.


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