On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 7:40 AM, John Black <jbl...@nopam.com> wrote:
> In article <mailman.52.1507567528.12137.python-l...@python.org>,
> __pete...@web.de says...
>> John Black wrote:
>> > I want sep="" to be the default without having to specify it every time I
>> > call print.  Is that possible?
>> No, but you can replace the print function with your own:
>> >>> print = functools.partial(print, sep="")
>> >>> print("I", "recommend", "you", "choose", "another", "name", "and",
>> "preserve", "your", "sanity")
>> Irecommendyouchooseanothernameandpreserveyoursanity
>> And everybody else's.
>     print=functools.partial(print, sep="")
> NameError: name 'functools' is not defined

It's a module you can import.


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