Mike Meyer wrote:
 > Bryan Olson writes:
 >>Mike Meyer wrote:
 >> > The rule I follow in choosing my tools is "Use the least complex tool
 >> > that will get the job done."
 >>Even if a more complex tool could do the job better?
 > In that case, the simpler model isn't necessarily getting the job
 > done. I purposely didn't refine the word "job" just so this would be
 > the case.

I didn't ask about any particular case. You stated a general
rule you follow, and I think that rule is nuts.

 >>Now I've gotten off-topic. Threads are winning, and the industry
 >>is going to multiple processors even for PC-class machines.
 >>Might as well learn to use that power.
 > I own too many orphans to ever confuse popularity with technical
 > superiority.

The issue here is whether to confuse reality with what one might
wish reality to be.

 > I've learned how to use threads, and done some
 > non-trivial thread proramming, and hope to never repeat that
 > experience. It was the second most difficult programming task I've
 > ever attempted(*).

Great -- lets see it!  Can you point out what parts were so
hard? How would you have solved the same problems without

 > As I said above, the real problem isn't threads per
 > se, it's that the model for programming them in popular languages is
 > still primitive. So far, to achieve the non-repitition goal, I've used
 > async I/O, restricted my use of real threads in popular languages to
 > trivial cases, and started using servers so someone else gets tod eal
 > with these issues.

Then maybe we should listen to those other people. Is there a
successful single-line-of-execution async-I/O based server that
provides a service as sophisticated as the modern relational-
database engines? Why do you think that is?


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