Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/15/2017 08:50 PM, Andrew Z wrote:
> > Gents,
> >  how do i get this group in a newsreader? The digest i'm getting is not
> > workable for me - i can't reply , can only read the replies from the
> > members of the group. Or. maybe, it shouldn't be a news reader....
> > please advise..
> > 
> > P.S. Oh the comp.lang.python is a nightmare because of spam...
> Regardless of what usenet reader you use, com.lang.python will have the
> same spam everywhere.  So maybe reading via usenet isn't that useful anyway.
The mostly very silly spam is trivial to filter with some very simple
rules, most newsreaders have easy ways to specify subjects and/or
senders to ignore.  I have (I think) just three or four rules that
eliminate just about all the junk.

Chris Green

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