Terry Reedy at 2017-10-20 UTC+8 AM 7:37:59 wrote:
> On 10/19/2017 5:07 AM, jf...@ms4.hinet.net wrote:
> > I got some info below each time when I squeeze the table:
> > .
> > .50077776
> > .50077776.50712528
> > .50077776.50712496
> > .50077776.50712464
> > .50077776.50712144
> > .50077776.50712528.50712560.50782256
> > .50077776.50712528.50712560.50782256.50783024
> > .50077776.50712528.50712560.50782256
> > .50077776.50712528.50712560.50782256.50783024
> > 
> > How to change these number(is it a widget ID?) to a meaning name?
> The number strings as names are the defaults that came from tkinter, not 
> tcl/tk.  In 3.6, the default names were changed to be versions of the 
> class name.
>  >>> import tkinter as tk
>  >>> r = tk.Tk()
>  >>> b = tk.Button(r)
>  >>> b
> <tkinter.Button object .!button>
>  >>> b2 = tk.Button(r)
>  >>> b2
> <tkinter.Button object .!button2>
I have a question about this change. When there are multiple buttons in the 
same widget hierarchy level and a ".xxx.yyy.!button2" showing up, how to figure 
out which button it means?

By the way, where is the document of this change? Now it doesn't fit the 
description in the "tkinter 8.5 reference manual" anymore.


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