I'm new to python3 and scratching my head to write a program for this logic:
classA.py Class A: # class for socket communication basic init method that initializes port, address, connection method send(message): # for sending any message through the given port method receive(): # will be keep on listening for incoming messages classB.py Class B: import the send method from class A send the messages from this class classC.py Class C: import the receive method from the class A receive all the messages from the same socket from here. Note: classA.py, classB.py, ClassC.py are saved in different locations. Can someone help me in writing the code and how can I create a single object and use it in multiple classed? This is how my code looks like: import socket import select class ChatServer: def __init__( self): self.port = 8880; self.srvsock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) self.srvsock.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ) self.srvsock.bind( ("", 8880) ) self.srvsock.listen( 5 ) print("New socket bind") while 1: print("Waiting for new connection") self.sock,(remhost,remport)=self.accept_new_connection() print ('ChatServer started on port %s' % port) def send(self,data): self.sock.send(data) def receieve(self): self.str=sock.recv(1024) print(self.str) I want to run this code first time when my project starts and want to call send() and receive() functions from other two different python files located in different path. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list