In article <>, says...
> For the database, I generally use PostgreSQL, unless the job's so
> simple it can be done with flat files. Using Flask with SQLAlchemy is
> a popular option, but you can also dive into psycopg2 directly (the
> "2" doesn't mean "Python 2.7 only", it's fine). The tech stack
> Python+Flask+SQLAlchemy+PostgreSQL+Linux is an extremely solid one, or
> you can switch out any part fairly easily.
> Disclaimer: I use Flask and SQLAlchemy when I'm teaching my students
> how to build web apps in Python, but I don't have much experience with
> any other frameworks or ORMs. Other options may very well be viable
> and/or superior; all I can say is that the above *is* viable.

Chris, thanks for all this detailed information.  I am confused though 
with your database recommendation.  You say you teach SQLAlchemy but 
generally use PostgreSQL yourself.  I can maybe guess why there seems to 
be this contradiction.  Perhaps PostgreSQL is better but too advanced for  
the class you are teaching?  Can you clarify on which you think is the 
better choice?  Thanks.

John Black

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