Den 2017-10-28 skrev Percival John Hackworth <>:
> On 28-Oct-2017, Martin Schöön wrote
> (in article <>):
>> It seems something is amiss with my Python 2.7 installation. Revisiting
>> Nikola (static web site generator written in Python) for the first time
>> in several years the other day I experience some unexpected problems. I
>> got some help form the Nikola people and the conclusion is something
>> is broken with my Python 2.7. Pip list throws exceptions at me while
>> pip3 list works the way I expect it to do.
> If this site is accessible from the internet, have you looked around other 
> parts of the system? Like date/timestamps for /bin/*. I recently was asked to 
> look at a friends web site and found they were doing several things that I 
> consider a security no-no, like running the tomcat server as root to serve 
> their web site. It had been root-kitted. I helped them setup a new system 
> that ran tomcat under a non-priv user.

No web server is involved in this. Programs like Nikola takes pictures,
text files (Markdown, ReStructuredText...) + templates as input and
spits out html, css and sometimes javascript. Then it is up to you to
copy that result to a web server.


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