On 10/31/17 12:29 PM, Stefan Ram wrote:
Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> writes:
However you solve it, do yourself a favor and write a function to
encapsulate it:
It is always a good solution to encapsulate a pattern into
a function. So I agree that this is a good suggestion. But
just for the sole sake of information, I'd like to add that
this is also the slowest solution so far (about 10.76 usec).
This might be a case where macros would be fine. As readable
as a function call, but no runtime-overhead. One can write
value_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 's']
#define JOIN_WRAPPED(list,string) \
string + string.join(map(str,list)) + string
values = JOIN_WRAPPED(value_list,'||')
print( values )
and save it as »source.c« and execute it using
gcc -E source.c -o source.py
python source.py
. This is also not intended to be a recommendation.
I try to avoid micro-optimization. My guess is that right after calling
wrapped_join(), the result will be written to an I/O device of some
kind. If that is so, the time spent in wrapped_join will be irrelevant.