Irmen de Jong <> writes:

> On 11/30/2017 02:06 AM, waylan wrote:
> > So, how do I upload an update to my documentation?
> I ran into the same issue. From what I gathered, is
> in the process of being dismantled and it hasn't allowed new doc
> uploads for quite some time now. I switched to using
> instead.

The issue that many are facing is how to update the pages *at the
existing URL* to tell visitors where to go next. Cool URIs don't change
<URL:> but, when they do, we
are obliged to update the existing pages to point to the new ones.

So, if is indeed being dismantled, there should be a
way to update the pages there for informing visitor where they should go

If that's not possible and instead the service is just locked down,
that's IMO a mistake.

 \        “You can't have everything; where would you put it?” —Steven |
  `\                                                            Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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