CBFalconer wrote:
> Mike Schilling wrote:
>> "Mike Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>> "Mike Schilling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>> "l v" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>> Xah Lee wrote:
>>>>>> (circa 1996), and email should be text only (anti-MIME, circa 1995),
>>>>> I think e-mail should be text only.  I have both my email and
>>>>> news readers set to display in plain text only.  It prevents
>>>>> the marketeers and spammers from obtaining feedback that my
>>>>> email address is valid.  A surprising amount of information
>>>>> can be obtained from your computer by allowing HTML and all
>>>>> of it's baggage when executing on your computer. Phishing
>>>>> comes to my mind first and it works because people click the
>>>>> link without looking to see where the link really takes them.
>>>> A formatting-only subset of HTML would be useful for both e-mail
>>>> and Usenet posts.
>>> Used to be people who wanted to send formatted text via email
>>> would use rich text. It never really caught on. But given that
>>> most of the people sending around formatted text are using
>>> point-n-click GUIs to create the stuff, the main advantage of
>>> HTML - that it's easy to write by hand - isn't needed.
>> But the other advantage, that it's an existing and popular
>> standard, remains.
> However, for both e-mail and news, it is totally useless.  It also
> interferes with the use of AsciiArt, while opening the recipient to
> the dangers above.

And HTML has the tendency to make e-mail and Usenet posts unnecessarily 
bigger, which will continue to be a bugger until broadband links become 
common enough.

-- Denis

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