On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 6:54 PM, Marko Rauhamaa <ma...@pacujo.net> wrote:
> Gregory Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>:
>> Rick Johnson wrote:
>>>     DOLT: "Programming is easy! Once you learn the langauge,
>>>     it's just a matter of fill-in-the-blanks."
>> To be fair to this person, for someone who has a natural aptitude for
>> programming, it can be difficult to appreciate how hard it is for
>> people who don't.
>> When I first started programming, in my early teens, the basic ideas
>> all seemed very straightforward, and I had no trouble seeing how to
>> apply them. I unconsciously assumed it would be the same for anyone
>> else with a reasonable level of intelligence.
>> It was a while before it became clear to me that this is not the case
>> at all.
> A junior programmer sees the unlimited possibilities of programming. No
> montain is too high to climb.
> A seasoned programmer is elated if they can get anything to work at all.

And an expert programmer sees that those mountains are so full of bugs
they're better described as ant-hills...


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