On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 05:52:41 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> Rustom Mody wrote:
>> This thread is getting like a mini hologram of our current surreal time
>>  If we can put aside who is right and wrong for a moment we see the
>> more frightening spectacle that Repubs and democrats, Remainers and
>> Brexiters and so on all over  by getting more and more shrill are not
>> talking to each other but past each other
> I blame the confirmation bias of social media for the current state of
> dissed-discourse we find ourselves in these days.
>> > [Rick Johnson wrote]
>> > A file with no extension (regardless of the OS or desktop enviroment
>> > that it was created on), is like a sealed box with no label to
>> > indicate the contents.
>> So to Rick:  Not if you use something like file (magic) My (unschooled)
>> estimate is it gets its detection right 80% of the time
> But this suggestion misses my point entirely. And the point is, we
> shouldn't have to pick-up the "box" (aka: file) and shake it (ook-ook)
> just to "intuit" what is inside. Using file extentions (aka: labels)
> solves this semantical problem much more elegantly. Now, is a perfect
> solution? Of course not! However, it is the most practical solution.
>> And to Chris and others who think file(magic) is a replacement for
>> file-associations. Even assuming that magic works 100% :
>> Say I have an html file.
>> That means its ALSO a text file.
>> So its equally legitimate to set defaults to use:
>> - a plain text editor (of which there are hundreds)
>> - to open it in browser of choice (also plural nowadays)
>> - some sort of html composer - etc
>> Which means we are beyond the nature of the file per se to the pattern
>> of its usage
> And although an automated "intuitor" could easily determine if a file
> contained a markup language, we would still be force to "shake the box"
> by running it.

Back to the original problem
has the execute bit been set on the file?

All Hell hadn't been let loose. It was merely Detritus. But from a few 
feet away you couldn't tell the difference.
(The Fifth Elephant)

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