On 18/12/2017 23:20, Les Cargill wrote:

What I'd like to do is set up *some* sort of method in Python to
asynchronously use callbacks to receive characters from a serial port
or 20 serial ports.

If I have to hook an event loop or even spawn a thread - fine! but it
needs to allow for making things event-driven. For lack of a better
term, I'd like this to at least have "select()/epoll() semantics".

And then I'd like to extend that to TCP and UDP ports.

Is this even possible? I keep running into "not done yet"
stuff on this front, but I'm not very up on Python. It may
be ... what's the term ... ? ... un-Pythonic, and I would accept
that as an explanation.

And no, I do not have a pet distro or version of Python. Any is fine
with me.
I've use Chris Liechti's pySerial very successfully several times on Python 2.7 and earlier and just a test with 3.6. Easy enough to access it from Python threads. I'm stuck with Windoze so have used COMx: port access to both PC native serial port (I have old kit) and USB virtual serial ports. No idea about xNix.


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