On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 4:13 AM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:
> If you want to translate code from one language to another, and the source
> language uses gotos, or uses control structures not available in the target
> language, then gotos would be very useful in the latter.

As has already been said in this thread, a competent FORTRAN
programmer can write FORTRAN code in any language. But if you want to
actually write Python code, instead of writing FORTRAN code that gets
run through a Python interpreter, you have to grok the Python way of
doing things. You can't do that by mechanically transforming source
code into the syntax of a different language.

People who try to tell you that all programming languages are
identical, just with different syntax, are doing you a disservice.
Lisp is not Python is not REXX is not C is not DeScribe Macro
Language. (Especially the latter. Do NOT try to write C code in DML.
It'll look ugly. Trust me.)


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