for beginners import * is probably fine. Even if you are using most modules
then too. else if module small maybe ok too

just when you import just what you need, you save on resources .

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer,

On 31 Dec 2017 05:00, "Wu Xi" <> wrote:

> from tkinter import *                                    #    I cant see
> anything wrong with this , it works like a charm
> from tkinter import messagebox                           #    is there a
> serious concern doing things his way ?
> import asyncio , threading ,  random                     #    goal is
> multi tasking with the GUI not freezing before loop completed
>                                                          #    which is
> being achieved here !
> def _asyncio_thread(async_loop):
>     async_loop.run_until_complete(do_urls())
> def do_work(async_loop):
>     """ Button-Event-Handler starting stuff """
>     threading.Thread(target=_asyncio_thread, args=(async_loop,)).start()
> async def one_url(url):
>     """ One task. """
>     sec = random.randint(1, 8)
>     await asyncio.sleep(sec  )
>     return 'url: {}  ---  sec: {}'.format(url, sec)
> async def do_urls():
>     """ Creating and starting 10 tasks.         """
>     tasks   = [one_url(url)  for url  in range(10)]
>     completed, pending =  await asyncio.wait(tasks)
>     results = [task.result() for task in completed]
>     print('\n'.join(results))
> def do_nofreeze():
>     messagebox.showinfo(message='see, Tkinter is still responsive')
> def submain(async_loop):
>     root = Tk()
>     b1 = Button(master=root, text='do work',       command=
> lambda:do_work( async_loop)).pack()
>     b2 = Button(master=root, text='Frozen?',       command=do_nofreeze
>              ).pack()
>     root.mainloop()
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     async_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()    #  all in this loop
>     submain(async_loop)
> --

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