On 2017-12-30 11:07:56 -0500, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Dec 2017 13:46:14 +0100, "Peter J. Holzer" <hjp-pyt...@hjp.at>
> declaimed the following:
> >I don't think this is correct. Structured programming is much older:
> >ALGOL 60 was already a block structured language and Dijkstra wrote
> >"goto considered harmful" in the late 1960s. Pascal appeared in 1970, C
> >in 1974. To me (who learned to program in BASIC on a CP/M machine), C
> >is very much a structured programming language. If structured
> >programming gained traction around 1980, it might even have been because
> >structured languages like C with good performance became widely
> >available.
> >
>       There is a slight difference between just being block structured and
> full structured programming (at the time "one-entry/one-exit per
> construct".

I'd say there is a rather big difference: One is a programming paradigm,
the other a syntactic aid for the former. You can do structured
programming in assembler (I did in BASIC), but it is a lot easier and
natural in a block-structured language. I wasn't present when ALGOL was
invented (I wasn't even born then), but I am sure that the inventors
shared much of the mindset of "structured programming" (although the
name may not yet have been invented).

> Even Pascal still had a GOTO statement,

Yes. I don't know any language which enforces "pure" structured
programming. They all have some constructs (goto, break, return,
exceptions, ...) to leave a block early. I don't think that invalidates
my point that the concept of structured programming predates Pascal.

> and flow-charts were still part of documentation at school.

We learned about them in the 80's, too (along with Nassi-Shneiderman
diagrams). And in fact I still use them sometimes (although more
frequently to document processes for humans than for computers).
(I don't use NS diagrams at all anymore: They have no advantages over
pseudo code for me.)

>       The /teaching/ of structured programming as a discipline didn't really
> show up until my final year in college (79-80) and the first few years at
> Lockheed

I can't comment on how wide-spread teaching of structured programming
was, since I am too young. But since Pascal was explicitely intended as
a teaching language for structured programming, there must have been at
least a few professors to teach it in the late 1960's.

> -- which was also a time period when such abominations as TEXTFOR,
> MORTRAN, and RATFOR were created to allow for doing structured programming

And regardless of the quality (or lack thereof) of these preprocessors
I'd argue that they were created (and used) because at the time many
programmers thought that structured programming was a good idea. 

Is there any mainstream (procedural) computer language invented after
1970 which doesn't try to encourage structured programming?


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | we build much bigger, better disasters now
|_|_) |                    | because we have much more sophisticated
| |   | h...@hjp.at         | management tools.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Ross Anderson <https://www.edge.org/>

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