On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 21:26:06 -0800 (PST), pendrysamm...@gmail.com wrote:
> If it is then show him this
> 387,420,489
> 00110011 00111000 00110111 00101100 00110100 00110010 00110000 0 ...

To save the casual reader a moment of disorientation, the
above binary string is just the ASCII representation of the
text string "387,420,489".

> 9^9 = ⬇️ (^ = to the power of)
>= 387,420,489
> But
> 9^9
> 00111001 01011110 00111001

Similarly, this is the ASCII representation of "9^9".  Our
self-confessedly intermittently sober correspondent appears to have
discovered the backside of the principle that a short text expression
can generate a large number.

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