Below is my code. Here I want to read the "ip address" from s

 s= '''
    Power On Enabled = On
    State: connected
    Radio Module: Unknown
    noise: -097
    signalStrength: -046
    ip address:
    subnet mask:
    IPv4 address configured by DHCP
    Mac Addr: ac:e2:d3:32:00:5a
    Mode: infrastrastructure
    ssid: Cloudlab
    Channel: 1
    Regulatory: World Safe
    Authencation: WPA2/PSK
    Encryption:  AES or TKIP

   s = s.replace("=",":")
   # s = s.strip()
   print s

  d = {}
  for i in s:
     key, val = i.split(":")
     d[key] = val.strip()

  print d
  print d["ip address"]

Getting below error :
<module> key, val = i.split(":")
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

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