On Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 9:16:26 AM UTC, Chris Green wrote:
> Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> > I've been dreading this moment for a couple years: it looks like
> > gmane.org is gone.  The original operator/maintainer gave up a couple
> > years ago and pulled the plug. Somebody else took over at that point.
> > The Web UI was never revived, but the basic NNTP<->mailing-list gateway
> > continue to work -- until tonight.  Now the domain is gone.  Perhaps
> > it's just an oversight, but I've got a bad feeling...
> > 
> I think it was a short term hiccough, a posting of mine got bounced
> yesterday but subsequent ones worked OK.
> -- 
> Chris Green
> ยท

Nothing from this thread is showing on gmane and nothing from the gnucash 
users' mailing list has come through since around 18:00 17/02/2018 UTC.  I've 
just sent an email to the gmane.discuss list asking them to take a look, got an 
"Authorization required" response which I duly replied to and promptly got 
"Delivery Status Notification (Failure)", the guts of which are "DNS Error: 
2475639 DNS type 'mx' lookup of auth.gmane.org responded with code NXDOMAIN 
Domain name not found: auth.gmane.org".  Bah humbug :(

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

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