På Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:39:31 +0000 (UTC)
Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> skrev:
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2018 04:26:32 +0100, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
> > På Mon, 19 Feb 2018 08:47:14 +1100
> > Tim Delaney <timothy.c.dela...@gmail.com> skrev:  
> >> On 18 February 2018 at 22:55, Anders Wegge Keller <we...@wegge.dk>
> >> wrote:  
> > 
> >   
>  [...]  
> >   
> >> You couldn't have got the above much more wrong.  
> >    
> >> As others have said, typing is about how the underlying memory is
> >> treated.  
> > 
> >  And that is exactly my point. Python does not have a typed list. It
> >  have a list that takes whatever is thrown into it.
> > 
> >  I'll skip the rest, as you totally missed the point.  
> I think its actually you have totally missed the point. What you want is 
> a homogeneous list, a list which only accepts items of the same type. The 
> built-in list is not that data structure, but Python already has 
> something similar: see the array module.

 Given that I'm the one making a point about the unwarranted smugness, I
know that I'm not missing anything. Array is not even close to providing a
strongly typed container. For all of the yakking about other languages
weak, blah, BCPL, blah, I still wonder where that need to feel superior to
anything else comes from.  

 Python isn't particular strong typed. In fact, apart from asking an object
what type it is, types are not that important. It's the interface that
matters. I wonder why this is a sore point for Python developers?


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