On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:13:10 +0200, "Diez B. Roggisch"
> Richard Lewis wrote:
> > 
> > I admit I haven't tried very much code yet, but I'm not sure how I'm
> > going to handle situations like: the user wants to insert a link in the
> > middle of a paragraph. How can I use the DOM to insert a node into the
> > middle of some text? Am I right in thinking that the DOM will reference
> > a whole text node but nothing smaller?
> You have to split the text-node, and add the two resulting noedes 
> together with the new link-node (or whatever node you want there, can be 
> a whole tree) in the correct order to the parent of the two node. If 
> unsure what that means, create two simple documents and parse these to 
> dom to see how that works.
Thanks. I was kind of worried it might be like that!

I'm implementing a Cursor class now which keeps track of the current
parent Element, text node and character position so that I can easily (I
hope ;-) work out where the splitting and inserting needs to occur. Wish
me luck!!


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