On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 2:18:31 PM UTC-6, MRAB wrote:

> The point he was making is that if you store a person's age, you'd have 
> to update it every year. It's far better to store the date of birth and 
> calculate the age on demand.


At the risk of being labeled a "quibbler" (which, in the
grander scheme is not really all that bad considering some
of the names that have been attributed to me), i must say
your advice is only "sound advice" in cases where the age
will not be queried frequently.

For instance, if the age is queried many times a second, it
would be a much wiser design to set-up an event that will
advance the age at the end of the last second of every year,
instead of doing the age calculation many times a second.
Heck, even if the frequency is multiple time a day, a valid
argument could be made.

Of course. Outside of buggy loop that, much to the chagrin
of the code monkey who wrote it waxes infinite, i cannot
image many scenarios in which someone's age would be queried
many times a second.

But hey, this is Python-list after all. And i wouldn't be a
true pal i didn't point out an implicit corner case.

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