On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Johannes Findeisen <mail...@hanez.org> wrote:
> Don't know which Python version is included in Kivy Launcher and believe
> it is 2.7. but it think Kivy will go over to Python 3.* in the near
> future.

Well... after an insane number of attempts, most of which were at
least partially successful, I'm finally pulling the plug on this
project (for now). To get Python 3 support, I have to use unreleased
versions of everything, which in turn means a heap of fiddling around
in ways that aren't well documented ("how do you get X to use Y built
from source?"). I think I'll leave this for six months or a year and
see if the stable releases get support for Py3, at which point it'll
be a lot easier to get everything going.

But hey. I think there's enough here to suggest that this probably
WOULD work. At least for a simple "hello, world" app; might not be
enough for everything I'd like to do, but core functionality should be

If anyone has any suggestions, here's the hello world project that
I've been playing with:


In theory, the command "buildozer android debug" ought to build an
APK, but I didn't manage to get that to happen. If it works for you,
can you please tell me ALL the packages you're using and their exact
versions? I suspect that it's mainly a version problem.


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