On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 10:41:45 AM UTC-6, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> There are dozens of languages that have made the design
> choice to limit their default integers to 16- 32- or 64-bit
> fixed size, and let the user worry about overflow. Bart,
> why does it upset you so that Python made a different
> choice?

A default "integer-diversity-and-inclusivity-doctrine" is
all fine and dandy by me, (Hey, even integers need safe spaces),
but i do wish we pythonistas had a method to turn off this
(and other) cycle burning "features" -- you know -- in the
99.99999 percent of time that we don't need them.

And BTW... Am i the *ONLY* person here who feels that Python
optimizations should be more than merely the tossing of dead
weight overboard?

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