Steven D'Aprano <> writes:

> I have a class with a large number of parameters (about ten) assigned
> in `__init__`. The class then has a number of methods which accept
> *optional* arguments with the same names as the
> constructor/initialiser parameters. If those arguments are None, the
> defaults are taken from the instance attributes.

The catalogue in Refactoring identifies what you need:

    Introduce Parameter Object

    You have a group of parameters that naturally go together.

    Replace them with an object.


Applying that to your example::

    class Foo:

        def __init__(self, wibble_param, dwarves, wobble_param):
            self.dwarves = dwarves

        def spam(self, dwarves=None):
            if dwarves is None:
                dwarves = self.dwarves

            # … now do the real spam work …

        def eggs(self, dwarves=None):
            if dwarves is None:
                dwarves = self.dwarves

            # … now do the real eggs work …

> […] to add insult to injury the class is still under active
> development with an unstable API, so every time I change one of the
> parameters, or add a new one, I have to change it in over a dozen
> places.

By encapsulating those parameters that all belong together, you can
change that set of parameters (by changing what ‘dwarves’ gets passed
around) and the function signatures don't change.

 \        “All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more |
  `\   robust, sophisticated, and well supported in logic and argument |
_o__)                                     than others.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney


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