On 3/25/2018 7:42 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:

class C2(object):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
         self.parent = parent

Since parent is required, it should not be optional.

     def foo(self):
         print("I am {self.__class__.__name__} foo".format(self=self))

None.foo will raise AttributeError.

class C1(object):
     def __init__(self, child_class=None):
         self.child = child_class(parent=self)

Ditto.  None() will raise TypeError

If your intent is to force passing parent/child_class by name rather than by position, use *, as in
    def __init__(self, *, child_class):

     def foo(self):
         print("I am {self.__class__.__name__} foo".format(self=self))

c1 = C1(child_class=C2)
c1.child.foo()  # I am C2 foo
                 # I am C1 foo

Terry Jan Reedy


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