On 27/03/18 22:02, Dan Stromberg wrote:
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 8:18 AM, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
But when it's exactly what you need, why do
you need to shoehorn the expression into 79 characters?  Seems pointless
in a case like this. PEP8 is a guideline, not an absolute rule.  It's
okay to bend it a bit in cases like this.

I think PEP8 specifying a max of 80 columns is very silly.

Even an old VT220 terminal could do 132 columns.

At the risk of starting the Yorkshiremen sketch again, the *old* terminals couldn't :-) The BBC Micros we used as terminals to the mainframe could be made to give you more columns, but no one was that masochistic.

My understanding is that PEP8 requires 80 columns because a tiny,
tiny, tiny minority of Python developers wanted to be able to put 3
editors next to each other horizontally, without wrapping.

Hi :-)

I like to check my code with pycodestyle, but I always override that
dang 80 column requirement.

Very rarely I will let a line leak past 80 characters when it really doesn't make any sense to break it up into smaller chunks. I'm fine with other people going longer if they're fine with me reformatting their code if I have to work on it.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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