Ulrich Hobelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John Bokma wrote:
>>> I have cookies off, with explicit exception for sites where 
>>> I want cookies.  When the crappy website doesn't bother to MENTION
>>> that it wants cookies, i.e. give me an error page, how am I to know
>>> that it needs cookies?  Do I want EVERY website to ask me "do you
>>> allow XY to set a cookie?"  NO!
>> So what do you want? An error page for every site that wants to set a
>> cookie?
> No, the few sites where I actually have to log in to do anything
> useful, when they're well-coded, tell me that they need cookies, and
> if I think I like that website I make an exception entry for that
> site, allowing cookies.  Most sites just bombard you with useless,
> crap cookies (maybe advertising), so they are silently ignored by my
> browser.

Delete them after each session automatically, except the ones on the 
exception list. You are clearly not an average user, so your usage pattern 
probably only messes up the stats they obtain via cookies anyway.

I have long ago given up on manually accepting each and every cookie, and 
trying to guess it's purpose.

John                   Small Perl scripts: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
               Perl programmer available:     http://castleamber.com/
            Happy Customers: http://castleamber.com/testimonials.html

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