On 2018-04-27 21:04:49 -0700, Ed Manning wrote:
> Here is the source code.
> import re
> log = open("csg.txt", "r") # Opens a file call session.txt
> regex = re.compile(r'policy id \d+') # search for the policy ID
> regex1 = re.compile(r'log count \d+') # search for the policy ID
> for match in log:
>     x = regex.findall(match)
>     y = regex1.findall(match)
>     q = x + y
>     print(q)
> The problem I am having i when it print out ti looks like this
> L'Policy ID 243"|
> []
> []
> []
> []
> []
> []
> []
> []
> {'log count 777,"]
> How so I fix the code sone that it does not print empty []

Print the result only if findall actually found something.


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