On 16/05/2018 16:09, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Tue, May 15, 2018, 6:36 PM bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:

On 16/05/2018 01:04, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

I'm not a C coder, but I think that specific example would be immune to
the bug we are discussing, since (I think) you can't chain assignments in
C. Am I right?

Assignments can be chained in C (with right-to-left precedence) as can
augmented assignments (+= and so on).

Yes, but not in the particular example that Steven was referring to, which
you elided from your quoting.

I was responding to the chained assignment bit:

 a = b = c = d = x;

is allowed, but (depending on implementation details), the first = might be a different kind of assignment from the other three.

open(...) is not a valid LHS for assignment.

The LHS needs to be an lvalue. A function result by itself won't be. open() would need to be a macro that expands to an lvalue, or used like this when open() returns a pointer:

   a = *open() = x;

So it only needs an extra * (subject to the correct types of everything involved) for both these "=" to be plausible.


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