On 2018-05-31 15:18, Tobiah wrote:
I had a case today where I needed to sort two string:

        ['Awards', 'Award Winners']

I consulted a few sources to get a suggestion as to
what would be correct.  My first idea was to throw them
through a Linux command line sort:

        Award Winners

Then I did some Googling, and found that most US systems seem
to prefer that one ignore spaces when alphabetizing.  The sort
program seemed to agree.

I put the items into the database that way, but I had forgotten
that my applications used python to sort them anyway.  The result
was different:

        >>> a = ['Awards', 'Award Winners']
        >>> sorted(a)
        ['Award Winners', 'Awards']

So python evaluated the space as a lower ASCII value.

Thoughts?  Are there separate tools for alphabetizing
rather then sorting?

You could split the string first:
>>> a = ['Awards', 'Award Winners']
>>> sorted(a, key=str.split)
['Award Winners', 'Awards']

If you want it to be case-insensitive:

>>> sorted(a, key=lambda s: s.lower().split())
['Award Winners', 'Awards']

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