As we have already announced, access to trainings is not included in
our regular conference tickets this year. We have done this to keep
the conference ticket prices reasonable, acknowledge the value in the
trainings are and to add more flexibility.

Two full days of trainings included

Training passes allow you to access all trainings on the two training
days, Monday and Tuesday. Each training will run for 3 hours and they
will be scheduled in 3 parallel tracks.

Please note: Training access is on a first-come-first-served basis. We
don’t provide registration for specific training sessions.

A light lunch is served on the training days, which is included in the
training pass price.

* Business training pass: EUR 295.00 excl. VAT, EUR 354.00 incl. 20%
  UK VAT (for people using Python to make a living)

* Personal training pass: EUR 175.00 incl. 20% UK VAT (for people
  enjoying Python from home)

* Student training pass: EUR 125.00 incl. 20% UK VAT (only available
  for pupils, students and postdoctoral researchers; please bring your
  student card or declaration from University, stating your
  affiliation, starting and end dates of your contract)

The trainings pass does not grant you permission to attend the main
EuroPython conference days or the sprints. Please get a separate
conference ticket for this.

Available training sessions

We have already selected an initial set of trainings, you can view on
our session list:

We will also have a few sponsored trainings, which are free (you don’t
need a training pass to attend these). These will be announced in a
separate blog post.

Only a limited number of training passes available

Since we don’t want to overbook the trainings sessions, we have
limited the number of training passes to 200.

Training pass sales will start on Friday, June 6, at around 12:00
CEST (that’s 10:00 UTC, 11:00 BST, 13:00 EEST, etc.).

Given the experience with the early bird tickets, which sold out in
less than 45 minutes, we recommend to get your ticket as soon as you

Regular conference tickets are selling out much faster than last year
as well, so the same recommendation applies to those as well:

Help spread the word

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you !

Link to the blog post:


EuroPython 2018 Team


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