On Saturday 27 August 2005 09:06 pm, Chris Dewin wrote:
> I'm thinking it would be nice and easy, if we could just upload a jpg into
> a dir called "gallery/". When the client clicks the "gallery" link, a 
> cgi script could search the gallery/ dir, and create thumbnails of any
> jpeg images that don't already have a thumbnail associated with them. The
> script could then generate a page of clickable thumbnails.

This is trivial to do with Zope.  I wrote a "VarImage" product for it
that will do the image manipulation you want handily.  I never really
created a "gallery" product for it because it's so trivial to do with a
regular Zope folder and a couple of scripts, but I would be happy to
share my Gallery template with you  if your interested.

The current version of VarImage even implements things like HTTP_REFERER
blocking (or watermarking if you prefer), to discourage remote-linking
of your images, etc.

An online example can be seen here: http://narya.net/Gallery

Not sure about CGI methods of doing it, though.
Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
Anansi Spaceworks  http://www.anansispaceworks.com


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