On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 2:49 AM,  <bellcanada...@gmail.com> wrote:
> excuse but sorry
> i took the time to manually write the code error from the traceback as you 
> said
> and thats because i cant seem to find a way to attach files here..which would 
> make it so easier for me and also i could attach snippets of the actual 
> source code..and i asked the forum how i can attach files or also i asked for 
> an email adress but i didnt get a response....also i find this is why 
> programmers can have a bad reputation..cuz of examples of people like 
> yourself barking out orders and getting upset for no good reason at tall..now 
> one including myself is giving you obligations to answer my queires.... 
> ok??..im not your slave the way you say that i have to follow 
> instructions..so why do you kindly just buzz off of my thread since it makes 
> you and myself really get annoyed..ok..
> --

Nope, you're not our slave. But here's the thing: none of us is your
slave either. If you don't want help, we don't have to provide any.


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