On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 7:57 PM Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
> On 12Jun2018 07:14, Tamara Berger <brg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >Just one more thing, Cameron. I was looking at an Apple support page, and it 
> >says "When you're logged in to your Mac using an administrator account, you 
> >can use the sudo command in the Terminal app to execute commands as a 
> >different user, such as the root user." 
> >(https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202035). I am logged in as administrator. 
> >So why isn't sudo working for me?
> >P.S. How would I make the link I provided live?
> What link? This is why we trim quoted text and reply below the relevant bit 
> directly: I don't know what link you provided or even whether it is there, 
> just buried in the huge quoted text. Just cite it again, eg:
>   How would I make this link (link here) live?

The link is above, in the first paragraph, beginning with the words
"Just one more thing, Cameron."

> And then, of course, tell us what "live" means :-)

Live means live. It is not a word I created. It means that the link
has been activated, so clicking on it will take you to the associated
page. Here is a definition from www.yourdictionary.com/live-link.
"Live Link - Computer Definition: An active text or graphic link on a
Web page. Clicking the link redirects the user to another Web page or
a document or image." The link to the definition I just copied into
this paragraph is not live because clicking on it will not do

This question became moot when I posted my message, because that
action activated the link. That is why I asked in my next post how one
can edit one's own messages, because  at that point I would have
deleted this post.



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